Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Assignment 6

Working with a flash.  Not much to tell, but learned a lot.  Got a new diffuser and a cord so I can take the flash off camera.
Here's some of the pics I shot...

Markus and the Fish....

Can I touch it???

What does a Fishy say....

It was all so FUNNY!!!!

My World Tuesday

It has been raining for days and the sun has been hiding.  The trees are bare.  Today is the Winter Solstice so I thought I would post what it is like in my neck of the woods on this first day of Winter.  Check out other My World pics at www.showyourworld.blogspot.com/


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

My World Tuesday

This is an older picture but I love this place.  It is covered in snow now.  Hunewill Ranch my every Summer vacation.  Check out other worlds at http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/

Monday, November 29, 2010

Assignment 5

Took pictures of my Father-in-Law. Working on "the moment" and being attached to the "feeling"of the moment.  Needing to both be comfortable to the point of forgetting the camera.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My World Tuesday

Never know who'll you'll meet in Oakhurst...
Famous Accordian Playing Dog (as seen on Dave Letterman)
Yes, he visited during the Seirra Art Walk... Check out http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/ for more!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My World

I am connecting up with a photographic website called My World that posts pictures of places that represent the photographer's world.  I will be posting on Tuesdays. (This one is a late bonus for last week because I needed to try this out.)
The link is http://showyourworld.blogspot.com/

El Campo Market is a small convenience store in Planada, California, not far from our ranch. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How 'bout some COLOR for a Change

I was asked to photograph a friend of mine who has a restaurant and catering business. 
Amanda De Jager owns Piano Caffe in Merced, CA.  She also has a food blog that I listed on the side called, She's Milkin' It.
Here a few of the "foodie" shots I took in living color!

Making Pretzel Twists...

Seasoning the Veggies...

Grating Cheese...

Soup's On...

Buttery Mashed Potatoes...

Pumpkin Cream Brule' for Dessert...

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Assignment 4

Pretty much the same as my last assignment but with people I know, Grands and Father-in-Law. So here's what I have....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Milk it Does a Cat Good

I was out shooting on the dairy the other day and I came apon these scenes:
I always new cats love milk, I just have never seen so many at once at the calf barn not caring how the got it.

Waiting for the Milk to Arrive...

Putting the Milk into the calf bottles...some spills out under the wagon

Raining Delicous Milk!

 Milk Sprinkled Kitty...

Some for Everyone.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Assignment 3

This assignment was to take people pictures.  I learned that it is an uncomfortable thing for me to do...ask to take some one's picture.  So, I will be working through this until I am.  Here are three shots that I took of a painter.  Full length, 3/4 and detail.  Be sure you will be seeing more of these though out my mentor ship.